How to Navigate Through Dry Seasons in Your Life
If I were to describe my life for the past few months, it hasn’t been that great. I’ve been unmotivated in every area of my life. My spiritual life and time with God has taken a steep decline. I started neglecting my health, I lacked effort in my close relationships, certain goals I had in mind to conquer over the next few months just weren’t going to happen because of my lack of motivation. I lost my drive and my purpose in life become very vague.
Before writing this post, I’ve always been scared to share my view of life with anyone and have often felt how can my God-given knowledge impact people.
Recently, I’ve come to a realisation: What kind of person am I, who is going around living by the opinions and judgements of other people. You’re never going to know unless you try. It’s something I think a lot of us have to get over it and just do it!
The thing is, we’re all in different seasons in our respective lives. Life seems pretty easy when we’re in a great season but what happens when that great season suddenly changes into a storm or into a dry patch of our lives?
So I wanted to share 3 practical ways that has helped me navigate through a dry season in life and hopefully it will encourage you:
- Learn to be patient in the season
One of the hardest things that I’ve realised about my generation is that we live in a “instant gratification world”. We want everything now. If we have to wait for something, it’s not worth getting.
Proverbs 16:32 says, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”
I love this verse because it’s so relatable regardless of whether you read the Bible or not.
We so desperately want to change the world right now. We each want to conquer our own respective cities. Everything needs to be, right now. But how do we appreciate something that comes without a struggle? How do we achieve without something so simple as self-control? It seems like the simplest thing to practice once we have it, but the hardest thing to obtain, in the first place.
I feel like we get frustrated when life isn’t going our way. My advice is to trust the season you’re in right now, no matter how long it is. No matter how dry or dark it seems. You’re developing the character that will come into play later in life.
2. Something needs to be broken down in order for something new to be built up
What I’m learning while waiting for my next season is that all the old strategies, all my old habits, my old thoughts that weren’t working previously or that weren’t healthy have to go before anything new can be put in place.
A great house is built on a strong foundation and that new foundation needs to be clear of any old debris that could get in the way.
I love the fact that life is full of second chances and forgiveness through Jesus. If something doesn’t work, we look to Him, find our strength and try again. We’re not meant to live life avoiding imperfection, its how we navigate through those imperfections that make us human.
3. The Best is Yet to Come.
If I can say one thing to sum your current season: It gets better. I know that seems like such a cliché thing to say, but life really does get better.
The key is to take what you’ve learnt in that dry season and apply it in your everyday life. This is a season to soak up all those new habits, strategise those new ideas and get ready to put them into place.
That way you are equipped for whatever God has planned next for your life.
What I’ve said here is not the be-all and end-all. This is what I’ve learnt in the short time I’ve been on this Earth. My goal for you reading this article, is that you try these 3 mindsets when the going gets tough and who knows?
This might work for you too.